Shelly : In
his defense of poetry he endows poetry with highly influential
power capable of exerting wide spread influence and great extent a poet
can calm the passion of a nation. Dants comedy Dants mastered the art of poetry
when he presented theological and
secular orientations put into one main perspective and context and that is he
awaking of peoples fear of hell and nostalgia
yearning to a celestial felicity
In his
defense of poetry Shelly as a poet is the maker
of refined emotions not by deliberate attend
to write poetry but by spread inspirational power of poetry again beauty is production of poetry because poetry recalls the happy moments and the sad ones as well
poetry is a high polemic
art that sustains emotions and channels
them into well balanced emotions and the equilibriums ……. It brings about creates a better human
being so when the poetry intended to create and effect is there the poet is
seen as the creator of beauty and sense
beauty is the only destination and objective of life beauty as the creation of poetry is supposing
to bring about immortal .
Any poet is
supposed to be the one who brings immortal out of the mortal –Ie- immortalizing
by beautifying the person and the
one who entertains poetry . the poet is
the one who awaking the dormant and lovely beauty cherished by imagination so
by abiding with the inspiration of the muses
poets are the medium that inspire any human being on stimulate a transcendental experience that
can evolve man from the state of human to state of semi
divine –IE- the state of beauty as an effect dwells
-there should
be poetic image that hade alluded add but never conspicually reveiled because symbolism is the soul of poetry and
any poet is a simple maker in symbolism
lies symbolical on clerical power of poetry and any poet can stimulate .
make the inherited and develop feelings act as values and spiritual guide to
every physical body
is the indirect language poets use to convey feelings they can use substantial
and insubstantial items and connect them to any symbolical value that it may
retrain and that man can decode the implied message ……..according to the
intellectual feeling man has had physical could be colors so…… and all have the evoke a
response by man so that the emotive experience by man so that the emotive
experience that develops takes man to a new experience the new experience is
certainly the newly generated emotions and thus poetry is the power that create
simple on stimulate emotions and equally brings evolvement or devolvement of
human values . symbol as such couldn't describe
in symbolic language what happened could anticipate could
According to
Aristotle poetry is a sort of imitative process distend
to recreate an experience on imagine a yet to function experience by a combination of raven and
harmony that make the soul of poetry tragedy , comedy , epic , Lyrical do make that family of poetry which shouldn’t
destroyed the present but it should make imitation life like as much as
possible .
In short an
imitation brings action into domain of ……………… are good or bad as is the case
with the Comedy and Tragedy ………objects are those that make the soul ….. of art
and thus Comedy or Tragedy represent that image that has divining line between emotions for good or evil purpose and
poetry no way he can divide poetry form in sort of pheretrecal stages because
Epic is written in poetic terms and so
are Tragedy and Comedy depend on …… description of feelings and emotions again
every work of art has a manner that could represent the emotion . imitated by
this art and emotion that could a assume
architecture and speak in one simple form and one way remain as it is and this
mean the imitator may represent the
whole story dramatically …….. emotions is the art of survival because baby do
imitate parent in order to find their way in the world according to protective umbrella of all
generation ……….. they imitate likewise imitation by poets is the art that makes
man survivable in hostile …….. environment so emotion is experience … a
story that could be denotative of happy on misery the action that the tragedy
presents is the medium of experience on emotion so the poet function is not
only to describe what happen but for tell ………..and such magnetic approach is
such sort of philosophy approach to that trite experience which eventually …to
be a value or virtue in history as a
social reality
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