Childrenare exposed to computers at an early age and some even children knowmore than their parents about computers. However, regular computer usecan have some negative effects on children, especially those thatfrequently use computers for extended periods of time.
Visual Problems
Somechildren who frequently use the computer may be at risk for developingvision problems. According to the American Optometric Association,children can be even more susceptible than adult to developing eyediscomfort, fatigue, headaches and blurred vision. One reason this mayoccur is that a child may be more apt to ignore problems when they areviewing a computer screen. For example, an adult that is havingproblems with glare when viewing a computer screen may try to adjustthe screen to reduce the glare. A child will not do this. Instead, achild will simply adapt to the problem. This can cause increased stresson their vision and can potentially lead a child to needing glasses atan early age. These potential vision difficulties can also interfere ina child's ability to do schoolwork or read.
Physical Decline
Accordingto Wellesley University, hours behind a keyboard can take a heavy tollon childrens' bodies. It can cause delays and strain on theirdeveloping musculoskeletal system. It also takes away time that a childusually spends out playing, which help children to grow strongerphysically. This lack of exercise may lead to weight control problems.In addition, a large number of children already suffer from obesity andcomputer use may only worsen the problem. Another physical problem isthat computers emit vapors that sometimes cause skin conditions andear, nose and throat problems.
Exposure to Adult Topics
Oneof the more serious negative effects of computers on children is thepossible exposure to adult topics or topics that are beyond theirunderstanding. As children become more educated about computers, theyventure into areas reserved for adults alone. According to WellesleyUniversity, increased exposure to topics that are beyond the child'scomprehension is corrupting their intellectual, social and moraldevelopment. For parents, it is extremely important to monitor achild's use of the computer.